Leadership Team
Desert Area – Region One
Desert Area – Region One
Stay Connected
JULY 30-5: National Youth Convention
SEPTEMBER 16: Speed The Light Giving Day
DECEMBER 31: Last day to give to STL
JANUARY 20-22: Youth Leaders Winter Summit
MARCH 24-26: Young Adult Camp
APRIL 1: Youth Leaders Tough Mudder Race
JUNE 9-11: Summer Youth Camp
JULY 24-29: Teen Summer Internship
AUGUST 18-19: Noche De Gloria
OCTOBER 26-28: Nexgen Leadership Conference
NOVEMBER 17-19: Youth Convention
DECEMBER 2: Youth Leaders Christmas Party
JANUARY 7: Region 4 Monthly Meeting
JANUARY 24: Laser Tag Fundraiser
JANUARY 28: Worship Night
MARCH 4: Movie Night
APRIL 1: Region 4 Monthly Meeting
MAY 6: Hurricane Harbor- Fundraiser
JUNE 24: Summer Bash Fun at the Park
JULY 30-5: National Youth Convention
AUGUST 12: Region 4 Monthly Meeting
SEPTEMBER 14- 16: Speed the Light Giving Week
SEPTEMBER 16: Region 4 STL Conference!
NOVEMBER 4: Pre-Convention Rally at IPDD 17
Fill out our Youth Leaders Directory to stay in the loop and learn about our next events!
Speed the Light is the student-initiated, volunteer, charitable program that provides much-needed equipment to missionaries across the nation and in over 180 countries around the world. It began in 1944 after Ralph Harris, then head of the National Youth Ministries department prayed for a way to give Assemblies of God students the opportunity to help missionaries in their work.
Nearly 75 years later, Speed the Light is one of the most effective youth missions ministries in existence. Since its beginning, over $300 million has been raised for missionary equipment around the world. And, Speed the Light is still helping to disciple students to live a life of generosity as they become personally responsible for the mission of God by helping our missionaries make Jesus known throughout the world.
Speed the Light operates with one guiding principle: all assistance must go to purchase equipment directly related to evangelism (“evangelism” is defined as propagating the gospel and instructing converts). Speed the Light equipment has not been nor is presently given for promotion, solicitation, or normal administrative functions.
Support your region and rock some cool apparel to each SPDYM event!